DigitalOcean vs. AWS

August 18, 2021

DigitalOcean vs. AWS: Which One Should You Choose?

If you're looking for a cloud hosting provider, you've probably heard of DigitalOcean and AWS. Both are well-known and trusted names in the industry, but which one is right for you? In this post, we'll take a look at how the two compare in terms of features, pricing, and performance.


One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a cloud hosting provider is what features they offer. Here's a breakdown of what you can expect from each:


DigitalOcean is known for its simplicity and ease of use. Their platform is geared towards developers and small businesses who need a straightforward solution for their websites or applications. Some of the features that DigitalOcean offers include:

  • SSD storage for all droplets
  • One-click installations for popular web applications
  • Networking tools for customizing your infrastructure
  • Load balancers for handling high traffic volumes
  • Automatic backups and snapshots


AWS is a more comprehensive platform that offers a wide range of services. They have features for almost any use case and are ideal for enterprise-level projects. Some of the features that AWS offers include:

  • Computing services for virtual machines and containers
  • Databases for storing and managing data
  • Analytics tools for business intelligence and machine learning
  • Security and compliance tools for keeping your data safe
  • Internet of Things (IoT) services for managing connected devices


Pricing is always a key factor when choosing between different cloud hosting providers. Here's how DigitalOcean and AWS compare in terms of pricing:


DigitalOcean has a straightforward pricing model that's based on the resources you use. They offer a range of droplet plans, each with different amounts of CPU, memory, and storage. Their prices start at $5 per month for a basic droplet and go up to $960 per month for a high-performance droplet.


AWS uses a more complex pricing model that includes multiple tiers and pricing options. They have a wide range of services, each with its own pricing plan. This can make it difficult to estimate costs ahead of time, especially for large projects. However, AWS also offers a free tier that allows you to try out their services without any cost.


Finally, performance is another important factor to consider when choosing a cloud hosting provider. Here's how DigitalOcean and AWS compare in terms of performance:


DigitalOcean is known for its reliable and fast performance. They guarantee a 99.99% uptime and have datacenters located all around the world. This makes it easy to choose a server location that's close to your users.


AWS is also known for its performance, thanks to its global network of datacenters. They offer a range of options for optimizing your infrastructure, including Auto Scaling and Elastic Load Balancing. AWS also guarantees a 99.99% uptime and has a track record of delivering on that promise.


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